The History of Lodge of St. Augustine 8459

Our Lodge was Consecrated on the 19th of January 1973. Our Founders were:

J.P.E. Perrott
R. Holdsworth
G.B Withers
L.A Inkpen

E.V Hall-Lister
L. Cole
J.F. Williams
F. Donovan Lane
F.J Hopgood

R.C. Grimwood
W.J. Lines
D.H. Reeves
D.J.H. Robinson
G. Speding

Our first Initiate was N.L. Moore J.P.

Our Founder's Jewels

Recently some of our Founder's Jewels, and a Master's Jewel dating from 1983/84 was returned to the Lodge by the estate of a deceased Founder who had been looking after them for some decades. we are delighted to have them in our archive and are soon to frame them so they can be displayed at Lodge meetings.